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Simon Bolz Photography

Behind the Scenes of Playboy photographer Simon Bolz, Hands on new gear, Inspiration for creative nude photography and photo books, interviews with photographers and photo models. Blog language is English.


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Aktuelle Posts

Pull of Life: Mellow 27/35
In my job, its important to have a good knowledge of human nature. After all, Im constantly dealing with new people. Its usually only a few hours and I have to adapt to my ...
Somehwere under the Rainbow
I bet you cannot spontaneously enumerate all the colours of the rainbow and their order. Fear not: youre in good company! Whilst weve all marvelled at these magnificent arcs ...
Wild West Waltz: Mellow 26/35
I knew that I would love to work with Lina Linn again. But I didnt know when and where. When I came across a pair of white and blue cowboy boots and a white country kitchen, my ...
Can I take your photo in Tenerife?
Escape the winter chill and join me in the stunning paradise of Tenerife this upcoming February 2024. Whether youre a content creator looking to amplify your social media ...
Last Call: Paging Mr. Lindley: Mellow 25/35
This is the only series that I took in two different years. Darina surprised me so positively at our first meeting that I wanted to take bonus pictures for the book. I used the ...
Eingetragen 29.07.2018
Blogrank 307
Letztes Posting 23.10.202400:00
in der Rubrik Fotoblogs
Visits/Tag 115
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