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Glaubsch es net!

Das Logbuch von Lindir und IRis


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Long time no see – I hope you’re well! I’ve been a bit lazy lately. Not painting-lazy – I still paint a lot – but lazy when it comes to all the ...
Lately it’s a lot less fun painting the walls of the flat as it used to be with other … erm … flats. I thought a lot about whsy, but I’m not really sure. I ...
never enough
The post never enough appeared first on
Ich freue mich wenn es regnet, denn wenn ich mich nicht freue regnet es auch. Karl Valentin I’m happy when it rains, because if I’m not it rains too. Karl Valentin The ...
new ink
Lately I’m pretty excited about writing ink. You may have noticed. Every other month I go and buy another bottle of ink, another shade of colour. This month selection is ...
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Eingetragen 15.03.2014
Blogrank 1969
Letztes Posting 29.09.202020:28
in der Rubrik Kunstblogs
Visits/Tag 5
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