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arcanum. urban exploration.

Fotos von verlassenen und verfallenen Gebäuden.


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Tour Report: Nauen Transmitter Station
This place is not really abandoned, but is nevertheless very interesting. These are the huge antennas of the worlds oldest continuously operated broadcasting station. As we still ...
Tour Report: The Pet Crematory
On the second day of our short tour in February 2020, we explored a rather unspectacular place in a rural area of eastern Germany. I had marked it on a map years before that, but ...
Tour Report: Vacation Camp "Beds of Decay"
I have to say: in terms of decay, this abandoned vacation camp was a real hit. We hadnt even planned to visit - in fact, we didnt even know this place existed. We had met two ...
Tour Report: Foundry B.
At the end of February 2020, the “coronavirus spectre” really haunted Germany. Uncertainty was high, incidences were rising, and there was growing evidence that a lockdown was ...
Tour Report: Compound Feed Factory G.
2020 began somewhat cautiously in terms of Urbex excursions. After our New Years tour and a short day trip to Denmark, it took four whole weeks before we were able to hit the road ...
Eingetragen 07.04.2013
Blogrank 1842
Letztes Posting 16.01.202509:40
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