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arcanum. urban exploration.

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Tour Report:Air-Raid Shelter "Monument"
In December 2019, a good friend asked me if I would like to accompany him on a special excursion to Hamburg that night. His plan was to climb into the worlds largest Bismarck ...
Tour Report: Cultural Center "X"
This abandoned socialist event hall, or "Club House", was the final location on our tour through eastern Germany during our vacation in November 2019. We had seen the impressive ...
Tour Report: Sugar Factory R.
After spending two days in a row at a former Soviet military site, it was time to explore something non-military again. Not far from the Huskyhof where we were staying was a ...
Tour Report: Ammunition Factory K.
After leaving the aqua park, we made our way to our friends at the "Huskyhof", where we wanted to spend the last few days of our November 2019 vacation. On the way, we took a ...
Tour Report: Pool and Spa "Under the Dome"
On the way to our final accommodation on our vacation trip in November 2019, we stopped off at an abandoned water park. We had seen already many pictures of it at the time, so it ...
Eingetragen 07.04.2013
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Letztes Posting 24.07.202418:59
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