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The Nurse Recruiter

The Nurse Recruiter is working with foreign and german nurses in germany, helping with the visa and searching jobs for them. On his Blog he is telling all the stories, which are happening. The Nurse Recruiter arbeitet mit ausländischen und deutschen Pflegekräften in Deutschland, kümmert sich um Visa und Arbeitsstellen und vieles mehr. Auf seinem Blog erzählt er, was dabei so alles passiert.


Aktuelle Posts

The expired Visa
This week I had a special case with our nursing staff that I would like to tell you about. One of our nurses had the problem that her visa for Germany was about to expire. This is ...
New nurse and an anniversary
It’s been a few days since my last article, so I’d like to keep you up to date a little. A lot has happened again and one development in recent weeks has particularly excited me. ...
I´m searching nurses in Frankfurt
Another week has passed. And this one was actually as exciting as I had expected, because in addition to the search for nursing staff for our existing customers, there is now ...
That´s why i love to be a nurse recruiter
It’s so nice to see how our nurses in Germany are simply a great team. And that’s exactly why I want to start today with a photo of our nurses at the Pegasus and Sana clinics in ...
A Nurse Recruiter in Germany
I am Gerald Arndt, I have Filipino roots and I am happy to welcome you to my blog. Let me briefly explain to you what this is all about… I work as a Nurse Recruiter in Germany, ...
Eingetragen 07.09.2024
Blogrank 3077
Letztes Posting 05.09.202419:50
in der Rubrik Jobblogs
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