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Little Art Gallery

Schon als Kind habe ich davon geträumt Künstlerin zu sein, jetzt möchte ich diesen Traum umsetzten. Ihr könnte auf meinem Blog meine Entwicklung als Künstlerin miterleben und auch gerne meine Werke kommentieren, kritisieren und mir ein paar Tips geben. Ich freue mich schon auf spannende Diskussionen und gute Anregungen für meine weiteren Werke :)


Aktuelle Posts

Old Bridge of Heidelberg
So this is my second wallpainting. Since I study an life in Heidelberg, I liked to draw the famous old bridge of Heidelberg with the castle in the background. This artwork is 2.3m ...
This is my first wallpainting. It was much fun to do this artwork.Ive drawn it in the old house of my grandmother, she died 2016 and since then the house was empty.This ...
Japanese Landscape
I was looking for landscape picures and found this one. I`m a big fan of Japanese culture and I love nature so this picture inspiered me. I made an acrilc painting. The brighter ...
Two girls on a poppyfield
This painting shows two girls (technically me and my little sister) in a poppyfield. When I was about 8 years old we moved to another house. Before my parents created a ...
Playing with watercolor pencils
Watercolor-paintings are so beautiful :) There are many different techniques and different material you can use, for this picture I used watercolor pencils from Faber Castell. For ...
Eingetragen 20.04.2018
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Letztes Posting 10.07.201922:42
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