

Since the day of the presentation at Play Modena fair, many have asked us for further news on CONEY!!!

Now we are ready to inform everyone about the project to which we are deeply attached.

– the campaign will start on June 13th
– this is the Kickstarter link: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/littlerocketgames/coney
– this is the BGG link: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/386199/coney
– this is the link to preview it on Tabletopia: https://tabletopia.com/games/coney

The Italian publishing house Little Rocket Games presents a game starring lovely rabbits drawn by the expert hand of Mirko Properzi. If you loved game designer Giampaolo Razzino’s previous work with his worldwide hit Hens, you certainly won’t be disappointed at all with Coney!

Coney is a resources management and pattern-building game, with variable scoring conditions, that is simple to learn, but challenging to master!

All 72 cards are unique in their combinations of placement rules, color, trade value, abilities, gender, and resource. There are three different types of coupons, different approaches to the game, for different game strategies.
Simple, easy-to-learn rules welcome all players to the table.
Gorgeous cards and unique scoring possibilities create charming and compelling choices every turn.

But now it’s time to take a closer look at the game:
Dettagli del gioco
• 20-35 minutes
• 2-4 players
• Age 12+

Game Design
Giampaolo Razzino
Mirko Properzi

In Coney…
…you play the role of a rabbit farmer!

Each player must set up their own rabbit farm by placing rabbit cards in a 3×3 grid according to the unique placement rules on the cards themselves.
At the end of the game, you will gain Victory Points (VP) shown on the top right of each rabbit card in your farm. You will also get VP for each card with end-of-game bonuses, Store icons, and remaining extra resources, but you might also gain malus points, which will be subtracted from your final score.
The farmer with the most points wins!

Delivery to the Backers is expected by April 2024.

Game designer and artist biography:
Giampaolo Razzino, born in 1979, editor of the Little Rocket Games publishing house. Creator of several
board games, including the best seller Hens. Lover of the Roman countryside that inspires him every day,
he tries to create compelling games for the whole family. Always looking for new projects on which to
devote all his passion.

Mirko Properzi is an Illustrator, character designer and concept artist. He has been drawing since he can
remember, but his real artistic path began back in high school, during which he started taking comic art
lessons. After that he graduated in traditional painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome and completed
this journey with a master in digital painting at the Genius Academy. Right now he works as a freelance
artist skilled to realize and visualize unknown worlds and characters. He is always open to improving his
style and to adapting it to any kind of work. That’s because Drawing is study and hard work, and this is his
bread and butter.

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