Christian devotions in the Daily-Message

Christian devotions in the Daily-Message


“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”

2 Corinthians 5:17

Presently I am on holiday, a recuperation-holiday. I have resigned my job after 10 years and am starting a new job next month. When I look back, I look back at a long period of time, partly very good, with nice colleagues, interesting work, but there was also a lot which bothered me about the job. It wasn't easy to leave after such a long time. But, I look forward, with joyfulness, to the future.

When I pondered upon it, I was reminded of the scripture which I am using for today's message. Here too, it concerns the old which is passed away and the new which lies ahead of us. But, it is not merely about a job.

That of which it speaks changes our entire lives. It is the conversion to Jesus and the baptism, the new birth. Here, it does not only concern the place where I must go to every morning, here it changes my entire life. As Paul wrote: We are a new creature!

Also, at this point of separation every one of us will look back again at that which lay behind us. There were certainly also seemingly nice things which we left behind, but more of that which bothered us, which was not nice and which we gladly left behind.

And in like manner we cast a glance at that which lies ahead and that which is to come. A life with Christ here on earth – and later an eternity in God's glory!

In our lives, we will stand before separation points again and again, when we have to decide which way to go. And again and again, we hope that our decision is the right one.

With the decision for Jesus we cannot do anything wrong, it is definitely the correct decision. At every job, we will only know this in the future.

Have you really made a decision for Jesus? Have you dared to make a new beginning with Him? Or are you still standing before your decision? I can only advise you, make your decision, preferably still today – and start your new life!

I wish you a blessed day on your path

(Translated by Linda Gates)


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Zur deutschen Originalversion: Entscheidungen

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