Christian devotions in the Daily-Message

Christian devotions in the Daily-Message

The good Samaritan

“Which now of these three, thinkest thou, was neighbour unto him that fell among the thieves? And he said, he that shewed mercy on him. Then said Jesus unto him, ''Go, and do thou likewise.''

Luke 10:36-37

Two weeks ago we heard a sermon, by Michael Zuch about the good Samaritan, at our Church. The thought behind it impressed me so much that I would like to share it with you.

We all know the story about the good Samaritan: A man travelled from Jericho to Jerusalem and was attacked by robbers. They hit him, robbed him, and left him for dead on the road. A priest and a Levite walked by, however they ignored the man and passed by on the other side of the road. A Samaritan came by, saw him and took compassion on him, washing his wounds with oil and wine, taking him to an inn and paying for him to stay there until his wounds were healed.

This story is about the way I myself treat people in distress, those in need and my neighbours. Two attitudes can prevent me from being compassionate to others.

Firstly, the situation doesn’t touch me and I keep my distance. Both the spiritual people, when they saw him, deliberately crossed over the road to the opposite side, in order to pass by the helpless man. Where do I see need and ignore it? Where do I cross over the road?

The other attitude isn’t much better: I am interested, want to know what is going on, feel sorry for the poor man – however, I don’t help. I am so busy at the moment...there are plenty others who can do something...What is my reason for doing nothing?

To change my attitude here and develop a better relationship, I need to modify three things. Firstly, acquire an eye for the need of others. I first have to realize that my help is needed. What is the concrete need before me?

Secondly, I must share in the suffering of my neighbours, I must take pity on them, I must allow the need of others to touch me. His need must literally become my need. When I am inwardly touched, then I am ready to do something.

Thirdly, ensure that I don’t miss the decisive moment. When I pass by, it doesn’t help thinking about what I could have done, later on in the evening at home. Spontaneity is of the essence, here and now I must be ready to act, after the fact it will be too late...

We will again and again find ourselves in situations where we err. Jesus, who told us this story, was the perfect Samaritan. He showed us how to treat our fellow men. When He is our example, we are able to learn how to conduct our relationships towards others.

Who is your neighbour today?

I wish you a blessed day.

(Translated by Linda Gates)


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Zur deutschen Originalversion: Der Barmherzige Samariter

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